Friday, August 24, 2012

Stuck midways

The dilemma. An eternal conflict.

These days I seem to be ridden by them. To move or not to move. To shout or not to shout.

To crib or not to crib.

It is easy to say that it is out choice, but which way to move?

Am at a crossroad once again. And the choice will have to make itself up.

Only time will tell. :(

Friday, July 20, 2012

Homecoming or coming home

This was a long pending post which did not get posted

All excited to be going to India. Will get to see, play with rudru. Gonna be fun!
Have been reading excessively on children and their psychology. Remains to be seen how much of it is hogwash. ;)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The week that Flew... And Crashed

It was an awesome week.. The Last one :)

Watching the Junior's antics, Then departing for my SP, which then kinda crashed... It has been a rollercoasting experience.

I regret nothing though...

Every thing happens for a Reason.. I will believe my calling is elsewhere, if this were to not happen.

Just got this Post from Vas.. Reposting :)

"My promise to my children - as long as I live - I am your parent first, your friend second.
I will stalk you, flip out on you, lecture you, drive you insane, be your worst nightmare and hunt you down like a bloodhound when needed because I LOVE YOU!
When you understand that, I will know that you are a responsible adult.
You will NEVER find someone who loves, prays, cares and worries about you more than I do!
If you don't hate me once in your life - I am not doing my job properly. "

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The lessons of parenting

Parenthood Lesson 1 : the child is always the king. You may plan, forecast, prepare but things happen only when the child deems it appropriate. Or if he is bored. Or irritated. :)

More lessons soon....

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Welcome to the World!

Finally, 3 weeks early, has arrived the Junior.

A Proud feeling.. A Lot of nervousness, even more happiness, Extreme Impatience.. Thats How I feel!

Impatient to be in India and hold that bundle who will one day rock the World :)

Even your name is unique.. Rudranshu krishna.

There is no other person with the same name as you.. You are the First !

Go fill that Google Page. I will be watching, my boy :)

Welcome to the World, Rudranshu... It's a fabulous one, you will love it.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Year that was..

I wanted to publish this on the New year.. But then, Other things caught up.. Like tequila, friends, fun :)

Anywayz, my top 10 list of Memoirs for the year that was 2011
1. A New Addition to family - The Biggest Happiest Memory, when we had a confirmation of a child's arrival. This is a major life changing decision.
2. Dubai Trip - Short, Sweet & full of fun.. First International shopping & the holes to my pocket.. The PS3, the SLR, Awesome.. :)
3. India Trip - The trip to Rajmundry, visiting all aunts & catching up with childhood
4. Marriage day in Gorongosa - Wildness, Peace & Quiet - Amazing moments all
5. Birthday party - Vas's surprise party, Reunion with all family members...
6. Best "BC" Award - being awarded the best Branch manager award.. The recognition & the happiness surrounding it
7. Vas's Budday :) - The Amazing Sea, The fun in Villa Sands, The champagne & the surprise Chocolate cake, The hospitality & Laziness for the full day.
The bad ones now:
8. Last moment disappointment regd Incentive - The Shock of the incentive, where I was dropped from the hi to the depression of being given least incentive.. Still not out of it :(
9. Pressures of Month ends - The cleaning up acts of things, I did not start..
10. The 'Handover Expert' - Repeated handovers to too many people & not enjoying it one bit..

So well, I have ALL happinesses on Personal front & a mixed bag on professional front...

Lets see this in a year's time.. And see if 2012 was any better.

For now, it is wishes & best hopes for the year to come.


And its a Boy !!

Well... Unwitting confirmation from the DOc that it will be a Boy.

The Wifey is thrilled.. Me less so.

Not for the gender.. I could care less about which gender the child would be.. But of the Suspense & the Surprise, we could have enjoyed later.

Grr... To the Doc !

Anywayz, I had shortlisted names of Girl child ONLY.. So, I guess it is back to drawing board to work on Boy child..