From time immemorial,it has always been the heart which was supposed to be the custodian of Emotions..
Why is this so?? Ever wondered?? Even the earliest of Books, the Bible there are references about the Heart -
"Go to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the hearts of his officials so that I may perform these miraculous signs of mine among them'" (Exodus 10:1)
Even the earliest of Philosophers, Aristotle, thought of the Heart as being the seat of all thought, Emotion & Reason.
Now, I don't know whether it is true or not... but I could probably understand the rational behind it.
In earliest of times, when without the modern day Stethoscopes or the Cutting-edge technology to understand the workings of the brain, the only visible (or rather Audible) part of the body was the Heart.
It responded to every single stimulus - Fear, Anger, Hunger, Happiness, Sadness, Agony & Ecstasy. The body responded & We understood or rather mis-understood.
We believed the Responder of the stimulus to be the Stimulus creator... Well at least that part of our thinking hasn't changed.
Even now, we believe the people responding to be the actual people responsible. In an accident, we fight with the person who stopped behind to avoid a crash thinking him to be the one responsible.
Forget at this micro-level, even countries respond this way. What was the cold war??? A mis-understanding between two large countries that the other is trying to destroy it. Every rogue incident of violence became a carefully cultivated plan by the other to destroy us. This lead to Paranoia of un-precedented proportions leading to each accumulating enough ammunition to bomb the world 300 times.
If, at sometime, the heads of both countries had come out & tried to talk each other plainly, without seeking to have an upperhand or get advantage, all that money could have been used constructively & the two most advanced countries would have had their places secure.
See, what has transcribed. One, the Soviet Union, is no more. The Second, USA, is officially a bankrupt country. If it was not for its War stockpile & clout it pulls in the world, this country would have suffered Inflation, that would put Zimbabwe to shame.
Where a single act of faith & compassion for one another, as one of the same race, would have sufficed, we ended up spending so much money creating useless weapons & continue spending more to safe guard them. What a pity!!!
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